Tuesday, March 26, 2013


too busy riding MY new ride!  06 Bonnie... won't be stock for long!

Friday, March 8, 2013

still the FNG

still consider Duncan the new guy @Dynamo Cycle, glad to have him on board!  Duncan's Scrambler is always taking different shape but rides it EVERYDAY!  This die hard is getting his bike ready for spring break down here on the coast.


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Got some new prints up this month for an art show. Dang is still going strong! New Issue in the works and new stickers that will make they're way out soon!!! T-Shirts for real this summer.



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fuck what you know!

Johnny Lewis is gonna shine this year on a Latus backed Triumph Flat Tracker for 2013!
thanks to Poppa Wheelie and Stu's Shots R Us for the great news!
Triumph is only beginning there steps to dominated motorcycle racing..period...You've been warned....

proper tune....